Edited by Mark Lipman (Venice, CA) and Anna Lombardo (Venice, IT), with cover art by Alessandra Drigo.
Venice, CA poets: Will Alexander, Iris Berry, S.A. Griffin, Susan Hayden, Ellyn Maybe, Richard Modiano, Bill Mohr, Harry E. Northup, Pam Ward, and Gail Wronsky.
Venice, IT poets: Giovanni Luca Asmundo, Alessandra Drigo, Giacomo Falchetta, Brigidina Gentile, Fabia Ghenzovich, Alessandra Pellizzari, Adam Vaccaro, Valeria Raimondi, and Zingonia Zingone.
“These metaphysical and soul-mined transmissions are not fossils but living, breathing dispatches meant to be read aloud. As you speak each one, you experience a mutually shared circuitry between each Venice—themes of nature, nurture, outlaws and angels, love that dazzles and devours. Hopes, dreams, and rages are connected and illuminated, a lyrical dance with tension, rift, battle, and brawl. These poems offer light when a shadowed and exhausted world barely has the voice to reveal its concerns.”
—Rich Ferguson, US National Beat Poet Laureate
“The two different landscapes of this poetry collection - the Italian city of Venice and California, Venice Beach - are mirrored by the direct, plain-speaking style and arresting images of the poets. The collection is an interesting way to compare verses of poets living in the same period in places so far away from each other. It’s a book about seeking to find the forms in which to think the thoughts necessary for survival. The poems are rigorously self-questioning and give us an interesting view of the topics (politics, social issues, personal challenges) and thoughts of these contemporary poets.”
—Serena Piccoli, author of gulp/gasp
“Noi poeti italiani continuiamo a simpatizzare per i movimenti americani, anche nascenti, perché troviamo più soliarietà, e un serio tentativo di sviluppare una nuova vera coscienza civile nelle gente. Poeti civili si nasce probabilmente, e in questa bella antologia From Venice to Venice, ce ne sono tra i migliori delle due sponde dell'Atlantico.”
[“We Italian poets continue to sympathize with American movements, nascent too, because we find more solitude, and a serious attempt to develop a new one true civil conscience in the people. Civil poets are probably born, and in this beautiful one anthology From Venice to Venice, there are some of the best on both sides of the Atlantic.”]
—Igor Costanzo, author of Re-Beat: New and Selected Poems, I Wish to be Light, and Apnea
“Venezia è immortale come la poesia pura: si ha incarna oltre il tempo e lo spazio. Questa antologia è un ponte poetico gettato tra due città che nel nome si identificano e fanno eco a vite vissute e da vivere—passaggi transoceanici trasmessi da voci che da un lato e dall’altro dell’oceano ci ricordano il valore dell’ispirazione poetica.”
[“Venice is immortal, like pure poetry: it is embodied beyond time and space. This anthology is a poetic bridge built between two cities whose names identify each other and echo lives lived and to be lived—transoceanic passages transmitted by voices that on both sides of the ocean remind us of the value of poetic inspiration.”]
—Flaminia Cruciani, poet, archaeologist, author of A Crown of Flames: Selected Poems & Aphorisms
“An outstanding anthology that highlights the connections between the Californian and Italian cities and celebrates their differences.”
—John Frank, Senior Librarian, Venice - Abbot Kinney Memorial Branch Library, Los Angeles Public Library
“Questa raccolta offre un prezioso sguardo sul nostro mondo (sempre più in pericolo) attraverso diversi linguaggi poetici; aiuta a comprendere, tradurre, dare speranza riscoprendo quelle essenze umane che quelle politiche, statali ed economiche cercano di soffocare. Le reti di poete e poeti, le parole della poesia, le traduzioni, sono processi di dialogo e di pace, antidoti alla logica della guerra in cui vogliono trascinare l'intera umanità.”
[“This collection offers a precious insight into our world (increasingly in danger) through different poetic languages; it helps to understand, translate, and give hope by rediscovering those human essences that political, state, and economic ones try to suffocate. The networks of poets, the words of poetry, and the translations are processes of dialogue and peace, antidotes to the logic of war into which they want to drag all of humanity.”]
—Roberto M., social and health worker, Italy
“From Venice to Venice, ti immerge in un viaggio che racconta le mille sfumature di un umano sentire e fa emergere nuove visioni di qualcosa che giace, nascosto, in fondo.”
[“From Venice to Venice immerses you in a journey that reveals a thousand nuances of human feeling and brings out new visions of something hidden deep down.”]
—Maria F., retired civil servant, Italy
From Venice to Venice: Poets of California and Italy
6 x 9" US Trade Paperback
180 pages